Sunday, February 18, 2007

Oh we didn't tell youse!

Momma came home late agin on Fryday. Da sisser purrson showeded up wif da Mini purrson n playeded wif me. Teazer stayed near da seepy rooms so he could scape to da dark spots.

Momma finally showeded up wif her momma and daddy, n da Mini din't want da Momma's momma to go way. More purrsons dat look like our momma but doan smell like her. We's confoozled. How many not-Momma's are dere?

Anyway, efurrbody leff fur a while n came back smellin like meat. Well, da Momma-momma n daddy din't come back, but da sisser n our purrsons did. N dey din't share none!

So den yesserday dey all wented out agin, an da Mini din't come back wif em. Just Momma n Pooka. Dats when Mungo got horky in da pickshure box room. N den dey leff agin too. Dey came back reeely late wif bags n a box of CHEESE! But dey won't share! Agin!

Now Momma's moofin stuff round da pickshure box room n skeerin us. Long as she dont make the purple sucky monster chase us, we won't hafta do biteys on toeses.


  1. Yep, I don't like that cat grass either. I think it is supposed to make you bomit, maybe.

  2. Purple sucky monster? Ick. That sounds awful. You can telerport over here to get away from it if you need to.
    your bud Pepi
