Monday, February 12, 2007

She's so silly!

Mungo is being a furry silly kitty. She's sittin under a chair in da food room staring at the big box next to our pottybox. An she won't move.

Hoomanmomma got down on da floor with a flashy thingy and looked, but she didn't see nuttin. Well, toys we hidded and dusty stuff. But nuttin innertesting.

So I gotses down too, and I don't see nuttin.

Sisters are silly. I wunnder if she's effur gonna move.



  1. So it iz a sisfur thing, I thot so. Hi it'z nice to meet yoo bof.~Speedy

  2. Hi there! I read about yer new blog on the Cat Blogosphere. I am glad to meet you, and welcome!

  3. Hi, Mungo & Teazer and welcome to the kitty blogosphere - it's so nice to meet you! We've added you to our blogroll and invite you to come visit us any time!

    CEO (Cat Executive Officer)
    Artsy Catsy

  4. Hi, welcome to the cat blogoshpere. We have lots of fun.
