Thursday, March 15, 2007


Oh, beeefore we furrget, Momma moved efurrything round in her sleepy room. We likes it better now cause we can get to her window, but it was kinda skeery while she was wurkin. Specially when purple sucky monster came out to eat. I hadta hiss at purple sucky monster a couple times to tell it to go way.

After dat, it's been a nice quiet couple days. But now Momma's puttin clothes in dat black wheely thingy agin. We just got Pooka to empty it out!!

I heard Momma tellin somebunny to pick up Mini fur her. Where's she gonna be? And what about Pooka? And are we still gonna get our stinkies n our treats?

Sumbunny tell da hoomans to stay home!!!



  1. LOL Poor furbabies, I think you'll get your stinkies and treats but I don't think you're going to be happy kitties for a day or three!
    Elphie & the Feline Sextet

  2. No matter how many times you tell them, humans just don't get it, do they! Life is to be lived for the kitties & that means being there all the time!!

    & the Artsy Catsy houseful
