Desktop meme
Blogger's been a bad bean and wouldn't let me log in till now. At least Fire didn't try ta put da bitey on da pooter.
Ennyway... dis is Momma's workin pooter. She dint no dat Teazer played hitchhiker in her briefcase ta get da pickshure! :) But he fergotted his towel...
She doan like ta have lotsa stuffies on da desktop. Da icons dat are dere are tings she usees a lot for wurkin.
We gonna post dahome pickshure layter.
Does we needs to sends Teazer an ekstra towel? we's gots TWO of dems layin on da cowch acause Meowmy was coverin her pootbox up when she and GranMeowmy lefted last weeks and no one's moofed dems! Dey'd be furry good fur a hitch-hi-ker!
Hey! She has cats at work! You are lucky that she has you there to remind her to work hard.