Friday, March 21, 2008


We jess reeelized sumpin.

We has squillions!!!! Reeel squillions!!! We jess lookeded at Beau's auction agin an reeelized dat wez gots sum a dese!

Da weerd guy's momma boughted em for da kiddies. Pooka girl sez dat da grammaperson had no idee dey were anyfing speshul, jess kitties. An da grammaperson figgered dat da kiddies would like em.

We gonna make da momma get out da flashybox tonite. We fink. She's been awful bad bout doin wut we want. But Fire been takin care o dat good at nite. He been puttin lots o biteys on her while she seeepin. Heeheeeheeemeoooooooowwwwwwwwwww


  1. You have squillions?! Lucky you. I'll look forward to the photos!

  2. Happy Easter to you and yours from me and mine - we hope you're having an eggxtra special day!

    Hugs & Purrs,
    & everybody at Artsy Catsy
