Thursday, May 17, 2007

...About Last Night

So da Momma was been soooo weerd yesserday. She lefted like normal, but den she came back early. Lotsa times. Furst she gotted some book and a drinky. Den she came back agin fur sumting in plastic baggies. Den she was gone fur a long while.

We founded da nip while efurrybody was gone. It was on da scratchy board! Mungo started sniffin n rollin furst, and den she got it all ofurr da rug. I doan like da scratchy board, so once it was on da rug, den I got to play. When Momma come home early da third time, we wuz bof rollin and clawin and tryin to pull up da rug fur more.

Den while we wuz still nippy, Momma made da redlight come out to play. And we chased so hard dat we wuz wheezin an pantin. We likes to play dat hard! So acourse we hadta bof take sprawly naps on da floor.

Normally Mungo nappies on her bunkiebeds all curleded up. I like da bouncy black chair or da end of Momma's bed where she puts her wet towel. Da wet towel feels nice on my fur, an sometimes I efun try to crawl underneath... but only when I think nobeenz are lookin. Momma's caught me a couple times and called me a sillykitty. But I nefurr curl up in a ball... I always lay sprawled out, most of da time twisted round like a pretzel stick. Momma sez I look silly wif my head pointed one way an my back paws pointed da udder. But hey, I gotta be you-neek.



  1. This is your cat...THIS is your cat on 'nip... LOL

  2. Oooh a red buggy while 'nippin..we gotsa try that!! Da Buddy has a red buggy maker if Mommy can steal it from him!

  3. Whoa, sounds like you two had FUN! I've gots a scratchboard, MomBean had to put it on the stairs 'cause my BabyBean kept picking it up and bringing it over to me.

  4. Sneaking into the nip is very fun!
