Sumpin noo n interrsting happend.
I not sure wot happend cuz I wuz in da food room. But I herd Momma ask Mungo wot she wuz playin wif an den Momma squeaked. I ran fer da pickshure box room an saw Momma dump out da bloo trashybox on da floor an put it upside down ofur da Mickey. Mungo wasn't happi cuz she losted her toy. Well, it wuznt a toy, it was a Mickey, but Mungo wanted ta play wif it more. Den Momma scoopeded it all up wif some kinda heffi paper n took da Mickey outside.
Momma's proud of Mungo fur findin da Mickey n gave her toooooona. An she told Pooka dat it wuz a baby Mickey n dat dere's prolly more. Mungo's now stayin in front of da warmy tingie under da winnow to find more Mickeys.
Me? I gonna go back to watchin fur fevvers out da big door in da food room.
OOOOH! You's a furry brave good huntress Mungo, we is impurressed wif your catch! We's nefur seed a Mickey, but Meowmy usta haf a "ham-stir", Her Majesty says he was kinda like a Mickey, but he wented to da bridge a furry furry long time ago, Her Majesty says she usta help him axcape his purrison and they'd play but she nefur hurted him!
Oh boy! I have never seen a real live Mickey before. Too bad your mom made Mickey go away because he sounds like a fun toy.