Sunday, June 10, 2007

Momma gived us nip.... we wuz gonna complain bout sumpin but we fergotted whut it wuz. Cuz we gotted nip. N kaydas. N stinky goodness.

Mebbe we go put biteys on her toeses while she sleeps. She woan no we fergotted to be mad. Right?


  1. We knows what yous aposed to be mad about!! Our Mommy and your Mommy was talkin 'bout it and didn't know we was snoopervisin! Your Mommy said your house got invaded and acause of dat yous got lockeded aways all day! That was furry sneaksy of your Mommy to use nip to try and make you furget! But don't tell our mommy we told you or we'll get in troubles, so shhhh!
