Thursday, June 21, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

13 things we like to do, speshully when da beenz is gone or sleepin...

1. Climb up into Pooka's bed (she's got da top bunkie).
2. Look outta da winnow from Pooka's bed. Mungo likes ta squeeze herself between da bars of da bed, I just hang ofur da top.
3. Watch fer fevvers n kaydas out da back door.
4. Eat.
5. Sleep. Duh.
6. Make biscuits wif Pooka's sweater n pillow n Mommy's blankie (if she leaves da door open...)
7. Try ta find a way into Mommy's sleepyroom if she closes da door (like she does most days)
8. Try ta find a way OUTTA Mommy's sleepyroom if she axidently closes Mungo in dere! (Ya know, she's really gotta stop hidin under da bed when Mommy gets dressed...)
9. Eat.
10. Sleep. Duh.
11. Play on Mommy's desk. She's been gettin smart n turnin off da puter.
12. Try ta play wif Mommy's stringy thingy projects.
13. Play rampaging heffalumps.


  1. Oh, stringy stuff is the best-BabyBean swiped a thing of MomBean's yarn and made a huge tangle of it. I helped by making it bigger. Ha!

    And you can come over anytime to play rampaging heffalumps, my littleBeans usually do that right before bathtime.

  2. Ooh Monty can we comes too? Mungo'n Teazer is our bestest buds and we love to play raging heffalumps too! We gots no little beanz to play wif :( Meowmy will stomp chase us sometimes tho! She plays a monster and rars and runs around wif us!

  3. Bestest buds evar??? Dooooooooooood dats so kewl!!! {{{{{{{purrs n bumpies}}}}}}}}

  4. Hehehe yoo din't know dat? *purrrrr,headbutts!*

  5. Nope, we thot Buddah and Max wuz ur bestest buds evar! *satisfied rumblies*

  6. :: goes tearing through the house after them at full tilt, skidding on tile floors :: WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

  7. HEEEEEEEEE! We's 'NIPPIN! Yahoooooooooo! :: crashes into walls ::
