Monday, June 11, 2007

Munchies Monday

Momma filleded our food bowl lass night befurr she went to bed (an she went early, too... wazzup wif dat?), and when she gotted up dis mornin it was all empty agin. So she gaved us anudder scoop of crunchy befurr she gotted in da wet place, an our bowl was almoss empty agin when she leff fur her workie place.

Yeah, we's got da munchies. An dere's still some nip in da carpet. {insert sooperbig kittygrins}

An we member now why we wuz sposta be mad. Momma HERDED us!!! Dey wuz all cleenin an makin da purple sucky monster run roun da room, and den she spread out da yellow stinky stuff on da carpet an skeered us way when we sniffed at it. An den da sucky monster came out agin an made da yellow stinky stuff go way. An den? SHE LOCKED US IN DA BEDROOM!!! At lees she gave us our food n water n potty, an she openeded da winnows. But how could she?!

An den??? Lotsa udder beenz showeded up. Da Grammabean an da Daddobean an da sissy an bruddabeenz an some ofur girlbean. An dey sat outside in da yard where we could see em an ate MEAT. An ooh it smelled so good, but nobody would share.

Da Daddobean set up sumpin dey called a "tent" an dey all sat unnerneef it in da shade, an dey ate an drank an laffed. Pooka an da bruddabean wuz playin wif our kaydas an makin da udder girlbeen all ooogy.

Momma fineally let us outta da bedroom when bruddabean an da girlbean leff. Grammabean, Daddobean and Mini leff a little later. Sissybean didn't go way till late. By den Momma gave us nip n stinky goodness n we wuz happy agin.

Ooh, Pooka's awake at last. Mebbe we kin get more crunchies frum her!!!


  1. I didn't know nip gave you the munchies. See we learn something new every day. Sounds like you two are having a fine time. Did you get more munchies from Pooka? Have a nice day and thanks for leaving a link, so we could come see you.
    Samantha & Tigger

  2. Sorry you got herded. But I think it was for the best when you have visitors. I hate visitors. I hide away even if I am not herded!

  3. Teehee 'nip gives us da munchies tooooo, Meowmy says we're "true stoners"...but we's KITTIES, so what's THAT apposed to mean?! We always gets lockeded up too when strangers is here and we doan like it eifur,and how dare dey not share MEAT! you should put lotsa biteys on them and demand MEAT when your Meowmy gets home!

  4. Sounds like that was some good nip and stinky goodness.
