Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Terrible Tuxie Toosday

We's big cat hunters!!

Late lass nite (or reely erly dis mornin, pendin on how yoo count it), a big black cat came wandrin in our yard. Skeered away our fevvers we wuz watchin. An he came right up to da door!!

Mommy wuz bizzy on da pooperbox, so she dint know wot waz goin on. She gotted outta her chair to close da glas part of da door cause she herd howlin. "I hope dats a woofie in sumbunny's yard", she sed. Cept da glas was alredy closed!

So dere we wuz, bof sittin rite at da door, all tense. An Mungo wuz howlin. Like a woofie! Not loud, but enuf dat Mommy herd it.

Den she lookeded out da glas an saw da strange kitty. He putted his paws on da glas an I chittered at him. Mungo wuz still howlin. Mommy wanted to go shoo him way but she was fraid we'd try to get out if she openeded da door to push him way wif da broom.

She scoopeded us bof up and took us to her sleepyroom an gave us cuddles on da bed to help us settle down. But den da kitties next door started cryin at da strange kitty an we ran way from Mommy to go help.

Mommy dint get much sleep lass nite. She cranky today, but she sez we wuz good kitties fer pertecting da house.

Mebbe when da strange kitty comes back agin, she'll member da flashy box so yous can heer us yell n howl.


  1. We very rarely get introoder kitties anymore. Da naybors know dat if mom can trap dem der kitties will belong to someone who will keep dem inside! Oh, mom sez dem guyz haf a variety of guns. Some haf Angels but most of dem have Zap's. Mom has a Generation E NYX automatik. The one thing dat dey all haf is da padded head gear wif full face sheeld, full body suit and gloves. Da owies dat guy got on his arm wuz acuz some dummy from another group shotted him when he was taking off his gear! Da guy dat runs da combat field yelled at him and sed he coodent play wif da other guys. Yoo neffur, ever, shoot someone not on da combat feeld!

  2. Oh, that stranger kitty sounds very very scary. He should not have come into your yard!

  3. hehehe your Meowmy was telling ours about dis when you two was hunting, you're furry good at purr-tecting your hoomans!

  4. Way to go! It's good to keep your house and stuff safe, good work.

  5. Wow, such an adventure. So glad you guys protected the house from the strange kitty.
    Samantha & Tigger

  6. Hello new kitties! Nice to meet ya! Drop in fer a visit sometime...we'll add you to our blogroll!
